Event details

09.00am @ 15 Apr,2024
05.00pm @ 17 Apr,2024

Digital Terrestrial Television and Spectrum Management Training in Brazzaville (April 15-19, 2024)

Training on DTT and Spectrum Issues (Hybrid Training) is taking place in Brazzaville, Congo, from April 15 to 19, 2024.

DTT has revolutionized the way we consume television content, offering high-quality, digital signals at a lower cost. However, managing DTT networks effectively requires a deep understanding of spectrum allocation, signal propagation, and network optimization techniques.



Day 1

08:30-09:00            Registration and Welcome Coffee

09:00-09:30            Congo Brazza  Introductory Remarks by Authorities

09:30 -10:00           Introduction to the Workshop by the PRIDA Project Manager 

10:00-11:00            Session 1 : Accord  GE06 Plan

11:00-11:15            Coffee Break

11:30-13: 00           Session 2: General definition of DTT

13:00-14:00            Pause-Dejeuner Lunch

14:00-15:00            Session 3: General Aspects of digital TV broadcasting

15:00-15:15            Pause-Café Coffee Break

15:15-16:15            Session 4 : Broadcast network planning & Transition to Digital Television Broadcasting

16:15-16:30            Questions-réponses et remarques de clôture Q&A and Closing Day 1


Day 2

09:00-11:00            Session 5: Requirements for the implementation of digital terrestrial television broadcasting networks

11:00-11:15            Coffee Break

11:15-13: 00           Session 6 Systems for digital terrestrial television broadcasting

13:00-14:00            Pause-Déjeuner / Lunch

14:00-15:00            Session 7 DTT Regulatory framework /(Réglementation,  Technologie et normes,  Attribution de licences, Gestion du spectre)

15:00-15:15            Pause-Café/  Coffee Break

15:15-16:15            Session 8 : Economic and financial Aspect of migration (Financement,  Exemple de couts associés à la migration,  Programme d’aide,  Gouvernance et encadrement de la mise en oeuvre, Activités principales de l’arrêt de la diffusion analogique ayant un coût associé

16:15-16:30            Questions-réponses et remarques de clôture Q&A and Closing Day 2


Day 3

09:00-11:00            Session 9: Strategies for DTTB (Processus de passage au numérique, Acteurs concernés par la transition,  Timeline implantation and Milestone, Planification de l’arrêt de la diffusion analogique, Plan de communication,  Offre commerciale

11:00-11:15            Coffee Break

11:15-13: 00           Session 10 : Etude de cas sur la migration vers la TNT

Formation des groupes de travail, Présenatation de l’étude de cas,  Démarrage des ateliers

13:00-14:00            Pause-Dejeuner Lunch

14:00-15:00            Session 11 : Etudes de cas sur la migration TNT 

15:00-15:15            Pause-Café / Coffee Break

15:15-16: 30           Session 11 : Etudes de cas sur la migration TNT 


Day 4

09:00-11:00            Session 12 :  Présentation des résultats des travaux de groupes 

11:00-11:15            Coffee Break

11:15-13: 00           Session  13: International Coordination

13:00-14:00            Pause-Dejeuner Lunch

14:00-15:00            Session 14 : Case study

15:00-15:15            Pause-Café / coffee Break

15:15-16:15            Session 15 : Case study

16:15-16:30            Questions-réponses et remarques de clôture Q&A and Closing Day 3


Day 5

09:00-11:00            Session 16  Digital dividend for Mobile industry

11:00-11:15            Coffee Break

11:15-13: 00           Session 17: Refarming of analog band for IMT

13:00-14:00            Pause-Dejeuner Lunch

14:00-15:00            Session 19 : Case study

15:00-15:15            Pause-Café Coffee Break

15:15-15:30            Evaluation by PRIDA

16:30-16:00            Questions-réponses et remarques de clôture

Q&A and Closing Remarks by Congolese Authorities and the PRIDA Project Manager



Regional Agreement GE06 - Articles 4 & 5, By Bangaly Fodé TRAORE, Broadcasting Services Division, ITU

Strategies for DTTB

Tech 3348 - Frequency and network planning aspects of dvb-t2



A joint initiative of the AU, EU and ITU