This project track aims to empower the African Internet users at national, regional and continental levels through administering comprehensive and sustainable capacity building programs and coaching activities on digital policy matters towards shaping global policies and setting standards.

Strengthening the African voice in the global debate on Internet governance to contribute towards making African issues a priority which in turn has the potential to make global Internet policies and standards more appropriate to the African context.  This would create a more viable and conducive environment for digital innovations and mainstream digital technologies in all development sectors.

A key outcome of PRIDA project is to build capacity of African stakeholders to enable active participation in the global Internet governance debate with the aim of underscoring the African challenges and concerns in the digital space at the global level.

In a nutshell, the main objectives of the IG track are:

  1. -Capacitating various Internet stakeholders’ groups from governments, civil society, private sector and the technical community on IG matters;
  2. Streamlining and coordinating IG processes at national, regional and continental levels and improving synergies and feedback mechanism across, with the aim to formulate common African positions on emerging Internet governance issues;
  3. Improving the quality of decisions made by policy makers and Diplomats on IG issues through coaching services before and during international meetings where key decisions are taken.

PRIDA IG implementation policy Brief

This policy brief is based on PRIDA’s OUTPUT 3: African stakeholders’ active participation in the global internet governance debate and their impact in shaping global policies and setting standards. PRIDA IG track envisions a streamlined Internet public policy development processes at national, regional and continental levels culminating to influential and coordinated participation of the African Continent in Global Internet Governance debates.

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A joint initiative of the AU, EU and ITU